The good news is the vaccine at least locally here in RI is terribly effective. The economy is opening up at a much faster pace than we had imagined possible months back. So much change. Some other big changes are also looming: June 30th marks the end of the federal CDC eviction and foreclosure moratorium. That’s soon! For those of us in real estate you may have been tempering swooning over an even hotter spring seller’s market with some anticipation of what may happen after the moratorium ends. Personally, I think many homeowners who experienced hardship also took the steps to qualify for payment forbearance for federally backed loans (up to 18 months) and I just don’t expect to see a wave of foreclosures. Secondly, the moratorium only applied to federally backed loans and we haven’t seen an uptick in other types of foreclosures. Lifting the eviction moratorium will help owners of multi-units, not hurt them. But, the speed of wrapping up this exhausting process is a little blurring. We are now all expected to transition back to work right away and possibly lose unemployment benefits so many are still dependent on if you don’t jump up the process. Hoping transition back to normalcy won’t be too bumpy….