Rhode Island is full of historic charm and beautiful old buildings made into multi-unit dwellings. You may be pressed to find a home these days in your price range when all of a sudden you stumble upon this sweet garden walk out. It doesn’t seem like a below grade unit because one full wall is exposed to a brick patio courtesy of the decline in the terrain. But, the other walls… well one is partially exposed but the other two are completely below grade. Stop right there. Old fieldstone foundations are not meant to be next to finished walls. Perhaps, the developer did properly treat them with a moisture barrier but what if they didn’t or what if they used a subpar product? How can you tell? Well, you would actually need to see behind the wall and truly behind all the walls in the below grade section. Completing moisture and mold tests for air quality will help determine if a problem currently exists but can’t predict if a problem will develop. What if the foundation is deteriorating and a few years down the road begins to let water in? Best advice: steer clear of unless you have a warranty from a reputable company that specializes in moisture prevention and can verify that the appropriate work has been completed.