Have we finally hit a ceiling? For the first time in years, some of our rentals sat. Sure, our priced right rentals aimed at middle and lower class renters were still swamped but higher priced rentals have become stagnant. There is still a lack of inventory but, with many new construction rental buildings in the Providence area, some of the edge of at least the higher end market has been softened. This will benefit middle and lower class renters, as units they traditionally habited that became priced out of their range, will slowly become available again. Investors will need to plan accordingly and remember Zillow isn’t the bible- it takes more a temperature of what rentals are being offered at, not how long they are sitting. I think it is time to be more realistic with rent prices and pray that everyone who bought high can still generate adequate cash flow. After all, we do not need any more instability in the housing market.