Session just wrapped up and we were left with a whammy: as of September, you can no longer evict without a lead certificate. The lead law reads every unit must be inspected every two years regardless if you turn over a tenant or not. So, while this is pretty straightforward when you have a tenant turnover, what about those not so clean long term tenants that don’t like anyone in their unit? Or, the ones that changed a lock and got a dog? Keeping units safe for tenants is one of our pillars but it isn’t always a straightforward process. We walk through units twice a year to look for unsafe conditions like peeling paint. But, with our old housing stock, we have to count on tenants too to inform us if there is an unsafe condition and also be somewhat clean. For example, what if a tenant’s child had a tantrum and threw a hardball into the wall? Now, the older underlying layers of paint have been exposed and small particles of lead dust fell on the floor next to his baby brother’s toys. Baby brother comes over to watch his older brother try to hide this hole and unknowingly rolls his own toys back and forth through the lead dust. As older brother frets how to best hide the wall hole, baby brother starts mouthing his own toys (he is teething) and has ingested lead. It takes that little for a lead exposure to occur. A couple months is going to be tough for landlords and our 16 lead inspectors to get up to date.