We find ourselves in a standoff between sellers who know inventory still isn’t what it should be and buyers who either can’t afford prices with increased rates or are waiting for the bargains to come. Even though sale price declines are happening, after the last two years of record increases, any adjustment is relatively mild and obliterated by high interest rates. Who is going to win this battle? The answer lies in the health of our economy and how severe any recession will be. Consumer spending is started to rack up on credit card debt as stubborn living costs remain high. But, on the other hand, the labor market is steady. If the Fed achieves this soft landing, real estate prices may just remain high albeit with the huge annual increases left in the past. Inventory will remain a problem: many will be loath to give up their historic low interest rates by selling, many won’t sell because they can’t afford to buy again, and builders have cut future development plans way back or stopped altogether. Without careful planning, home ownership will remain an elusive goal for many in historic proportions.
Adriana Rodrigues
Office Manager
Divine Investments Inc.
222 Broadway
Providence, RI 02903