At this point, it is pretty safe to say the big crash isn’t happening. Interest rates have stabilized with some models showing the 30-year rate will dip into the 5% range by end of the year (bank rate, cnbc). Historically, this isn’t bad. Inventory still tends to be an issue but the days of crazy bidding wars are behind us. So, if you are a buyer what can you expect? The golden time to buy is elusive still but buyers can at least expect a mild reduction in sales price or an end to dizzy price hikes. It will be more pleasant to buy with less of a frenzy and proven practices like home inspections becoming a norm again. Is it smart to buy? Locally, high rents and lack of inventory can make buying a home instead of renting the best move. With today’s average rate of 6.8%, a mortgage payment on a $240k house is about $1600. When taxes and insurance are figured in that is going to be pretty comparable to what rent on a similar house would be. Answer is yes!