Well, yes, we couldn’t enjoy endless record low interest rates. But, still the likely four adjustments this year will take us from record low rates to slightly higher record low rates. On the other hand, following a year where housing prices jumped 20% and entering a year where they are expected to jump perhaps another 7%, even a slight increase in rates will reduce buying power. You can afford a higher purchase price with a lower interest rate. The squeeze on the middle class continues with no end in sight. The housing market has been a main propeller of the pandemic economy and federal monetary policy has been loath to do anything to dissuade it. However, inflation is at a point where it can no longer be considered transitory and the adjustments are needed. What does this bear for the 2022 housing market? I think it will be less heady than 2021. 2021 buyer remorse is high among younger buyers- many of whom may have paid more than they really should have in 2021. Again, the basics of supply and demand and well vetted loan applicants will keep the housing market strong, stable and still a seller’s market.