2021 has been lurchy. In real estate, we have delighted in yet another exuberant seller's market with promises of more to come. Daily business life has been confounded by labor shortages and pesky supply chain issues. But, what strikes me the most has been the affordable housing crisis. With inflation, lower and middle classes struggle to find affordable rentals and the squeeze continues on middle class home ownership. I have written about the k shaped economic recovery from the pandemic and these real estate trends will only lead to greater division in the haves and have nots. I don't see any meaningful change in supply and truly it would take a lot of new units to impact this calculus. My advice continues: buyers stay focused and think out of the box. You will continue to face out of state buyers driving prices up and aggressive tactics like waiving inspections. I at least welcome 2022 with reduced quarantine times and a couple of new construction houses to add to our local RI supply!