A lot of anti- landlord bills. Almost one a week. Lack of affordable housing is a very real problem in this state. Rents have increased by 50% in a handful of years. Families on a single income simply can’t cut it. More and more people are forced to live together so rent can be affordable. But, the mom and pop landlord industry in this state is not responsible to solve this problem. Bill after bill attempts to make what is already a trying job more so. I’ve been a landlord for twenty years and have had my share of wonderful and terrible tenant experiences. I need a fair and efficient legal system to support me when I need it. And, I want to be in control of the risks I take as a landlord in who I choose to rent to as it will be my loss of rent- not the states. The state should be focused on creating affordable housing so tenants aren’t in such a vulnerable position. Why are we so backwards here? Fostering a robust economy will create more tax revenue to help generate affordable housing. Stifling the landlord industry will make us a less attractive state to invest in. It’s only going to hurt landlords and tenants down the road.