Interest rates are wreaking havoc on buyer’s budgets and seller’s prices. Will the fed’s fight to get inflation under wraps achieve a more balanced market? Or, will doubling mortgage rates in less than a year have more dire consequences? In the least, inventory has corrected half way to a healthy 6 month inventory level. Price drops are now much more common than bidding wars. If only buyers could heave a sigh of relief but higher rates just make an albeit less aggressive buying pool more limited. Potential sellers who won out buying with historic low rates would really need a strong motivation to consider selling right now. And, pandemic lifestyle changes may be less permanent as we thought. The pandemic is “over” and cities can be lived in again. This will further lessen the demand on the single family market and open doors to urban living. The fed has certainly succeeded in easing demand but can it continue this path without destabilizing the real estate market and the economy altogether? Still hoping for that soft landing.