Yet again it's an interesting time to run a business. Costs to run one keeps going up and supply prices have so much volatility, estimating jobs has taken a whole new level of complexity. It's invariable when talking to one of my subs, we get into a back and forth over how much a particular type of wire or piping or fill or paint or a lowly piece of plywood has increased. The cost of labor has also gone up but not enough to keep up with this spiraling inflation. We can argue back and forth about politics or listen to the tempered voices of some seasoned economists reminding us a post-pandemic economy is going to have some bumps. But, in the here and now we all have had to make adjustments. In the world of real estate, in the last year alone, the cost to build a standard three bed, 2.5 bath house has gone up some $45,000. Now, prices have almost gone up as much and we still have supply issues. But, if wages aren’t increasing as much, are we building houses no one can afford? And, again what about the middle class? Personally, I can’t wait for all these supply chains to work in the efficient manner that is the hallmark of our economy.