We’ve got projections all over the place. But, the more sensible ones keep coming back to evaluate your own local inventory levels. You’ve heard the saying: “all real estate is local.” But, it’s also time to head the uncharacteristically blunt messages from the Federal Reserve: rate hikes are imminent until inflation is less than 2%. Their gloves are off and they aren’t ruling out greater than ½ percent point increases to get there. This changes the calculus of how much a buyer can afford on an unusually frequent basis. Mortgage applications for purchases are down by 12% nationally from the week before- no surprise there- the point of these rate hikes is to cool the market. The economy is still strong with high consumer demand and a vibrant labor market but supply chain woes are going nowhere: Ukraine, China’s zero-covid policy and droughts in India wreak havoc. What will the net impact be of our own rate increases when we have no control over these global trends compelling inflation? Will it be the dreaded stagflation or the much hoped for “soft landing” the fed prayers for? All of this makes for an increasingly unpredictable market.