Our good Governor announced yesterday that RI is on track to begin a phased re-opening of the economy in two weeks. Of course, this all depends on new Covid cases remaining steady or declining and hospital capacity maintaining a manageable level. So, are you ready? For businesses we all have to operate on a new normal. Best to get ahead of the curve on this as this will be the way of life for a solid year. Plan for spikes in Covid cases later this year that may necessitate a controlled roll back of the economy’s re-opening. How is your business model functioning (if at all) now? Can it weather more economic pull backs, a recession, possibly a depression? Emotionally how will it feel? Will you be prone to relief, anxiety, happiness, hope, confusion, grief? Now will be the time to respect we all have experienced the same pandemic but with very different realities. Be sensitive to those who have served in the front lines as this experience may have been simply traumatic. Some will be actively grieving those they lost. Others will be angry that this was all some fabricated political hoax that cost our economy substantial losses. We all have lost in one way or another. Everyone’s normal is being re-calibrated. For those of us who still have our loved ones, who have been able to financially scramble by, be generous to others who haven’t. This year will take a lot of patience and kindness and resourcefulness. We are all in this together.